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Australia: The International Desalination Association flagship event returns to Australia a decade later from the 2011 IDA World Congress held in Perth. The World Congress will take place during the week of November 7-11, 2021, in the strikingly beautiful city of Sydney, Australia at the International Convention Center Sydney (ICC Sydney), a spectacular location and state of the art facility that opened in 2016 at the world-famous Darling Harbour.

Supported by the University of Technology Sydney – Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater, Australian Water Association, the Government of New South Wales, Sydney Water, Sydney Desalination Plant, UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology at University of New South Wales, and the Water Services Association of Australia, the 2021 IDA World Congress and exhibition will provide knowledge-sharing and interaction opportunities for participants on a plethora of both technical and business topics, related to the use of desalination and water reuse solutions to ensure a secure water future.

“Team Sydney is very much looking forward to welcoming the IDA and its membership to Australia next year. As a large island nation with many generations of water innovation behind us, we have a unique diversity of experience to share. Our water community is looking forward to networking and collaborating on new solutions with their global peers”, said BESydney CEO Lyn Lewis-Smith.

“We look forward to conducting the 2021 IDA World Congress in Sydney, Australia. We’re assured of an outstanding program for all participants. The Government and industry’s vision and leadership over the last two decades to install large scale reuse and desalination capacity is an outstanding example of how these technical solutions have helped to fight water scarcity in Australia”, said Carlos Cosin, President of the Board of Directors, IDA.

The centerpiece of the Congress is its robust Technical Program covering all aspects of desalination and water reuse as solutions to ensure the sustainability of the world’s water resources. With more than 300 papers among ten technical topics and multiple sub-topics, the Technical Program will explore a broad range of desalination and water reuse technologies, practices, and experiences worldwide. The knowledge-sharing aspect of the program recognizes that resources and requirements can vary based on location, climate conditions, and natural resources.

“The IDA would like to thank the Australian and New South Wales Governments for their support to host the 2021 World Congress in Sydney, Australia. The University of Technology Sydney – Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater was a pivotal advocate in bringing the World Congress “Downunder” working closely with their local bidding experts at BESydney. IDA is looking forward to working with the entire Australian desalination and water reuse stakeholder community to develop the World Congress and welcome participants to Sydney”, said Shannon McCarthy, IDA Secretary General.

Australia significantly increased its desalination investment during the country’s Millennium drought from 2006-2012, adding over $16 billion worth of infrastructure investment. As Australia enters yet another drought period, in places reporting lowest recorded rainfall levels, more significant investment in desalination and water reuse will be required to keep up with additional water demand. This latest investment will come with a continued sustainability focus, building on the track record of, largely wind-powered, renewable energy offset at many of Australia’s large scale desalination plants.

Through its biennial World Congress and Exhibition, the IDA upholds its global commitment to sustainability and raises awareness of water’s value, protecting the environment and conserving natural resources. It is the ideal forum to advance goals that benefit the industry and, more importantly, ensure clean water sources for future generations.

The International Desalination Association is the point of connection for the global desalination and water reuse community. A non-profit association, IDA serves more than 2,600 core members in 60 countries and reaches an additional 4,000 affiliate members. Its membership comprises scientists, end-users, engineers, consultants and researchers from governments, corporations and academia. IDA is associated with the United Nations as part of a growing international network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

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