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Only One Earth: Help it Survive

Only One Earth: Help it Survive

The global campaign of this year calls for collective and transformative action to celebrate, protect and restore our planet.

What Are The Priorities Of Water Utilities For 2022-2023?

What Are The Priorities Of Water Utilities For 2022-2023?

This article is the second in a new series of occasional articles we’re calling “From the Field”, in which water professionals share their thoughts on an issue or trend that is relevant to water utilities around the world.

Critical Role Of GIS In Digital Water Transformation: Agendra Kumar, MD, Esri India

Critical Role Of GIS In Digital Water Transformation: Agendra Kumar, MD, Esri India

Technologies like GIS have a vital role to play in managing the scarcity and safety of water, utility operations, monitoring, and treatment. GIS, when coupled with promising emerging technologies like IoT, enables remote sensing of water, which brings excellent outcomes in water accounting, non-revenue water remediation, and more.