“A drop of water, if it could write out its own history, would explain the universe to us.”- Lucy Larcom Editor’s Note, November-December 2021 The municipal water usually refers to domestic water and domestic wastewater in the city. Because of the increasing focus on...
“A city is a place where there is no need to wait for next week to get the answer to a question.” – Margaret Mead Editor’s Note, May 2020 Smart cities comprise a simple system of various smart systems. Such smart systems and technologies are...
“To think that some people don’t have clean water was mind-boggling to me.” – Ashlan Gorse Cousteau Editor’s Note, April 2020 The prolonged situation of COVID-19 pandemic has not only shaken the world to its core, but it has also brought back in focus the...
“Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo Editor’s Note, March 2020 Experts around the globe unanimously agree that the drinking water is not a source of the novel coronavirus causing the global...
“Water flows uphill towards money.” – Gautam Buddha Editor’s Note, February 2020 Most of us would agree on the basic premise that if we increase the access to better sanitation and good-quality drinking water for our population then it results in both short-term...