By Shilpa Singh Forests represent the feminine principle in ‘Prakriti’, i.e., pure nature. They have been worshipped as Goddess ‘Aranyani’ in Hindu literature. People have also considered forests as the ‘mothers’ of rivers and given significant importance to the...
Cities are rapidly expanding and water resources are limited and hence under increasing pressure. We need to find out ways to do more with less while ensuring that cities water systems are sustainable, resilient, and safe thus making cities water secure. The following...
India: On 29th July 2020, the World Economic Forum and Toilet Board Coalition (TBC) India kicked off the ‘Healthy Cities & Communities – Mumbai’ initiative through a virtual seminar with support from Swacch Bharat Mission Urban (SBM-U) and Municipal...
By Shilpa Singh The literature shows that water policies and reforms in India have evolved slowly from custom, religion, and written codes. The Laws of Manu in Hinduism provide indications of the water laws from ancient history. Water was considered indivisible. Kings...
“Our majestic oceans have covered 70 percent of Earth’s surface with approximately 80 percent of oxygen being produced from the incredible and wide range of marine species and aquatic plants. Also, ocean water absorbs about 30% of carbon dioxide produced by the...