By Ravindra Sewak United Nation’s Sustainability Development Goal 6.1 puts safe drinking water atop the global water agenda. However, what does “safe” and “sustainable” mean, and how do we deliver it, prove it? India, 163 million people, face a daily struggle to...
(Left to Right): Kelly Ann Naylar, Associate Director – WASH Programme Division, UNICEF; Rhiana Meade, Operations Manager, Saha Global; Pooja Singh, Head M&E, Safe Water Network; Sangita Ghalay, Head CSR, Honeywell India; Kim Slinde Lemme, Director of...
By Poonam Sewak The Niti Aayog Composite Water Management Index states, “54 percent of India’s groundwater wells are declining, and 21 major cities are expected to run out of groundwater as soon as 2020, affecting almost 100 million people”. While some claim the...