In a rural location and not connected to the public sewer, the property is served by an onsite wastewater treatment plant and reed bed. UK: Hired technology from water recycling specialist WCS Environmental Engineering (WCSEE) has been selected by a Somerset nursing...
Simon Kimber, Director, WPL & Atana, and a Volute Screw Press Increasing limitations on sludge disposal is pushing industrial companies to rethink onsite wastewater treatment processes, says Simon Kimber, Director of WPL & Atana. This means efficient...
Installation of a Modular WPL Hybrid SAF (Left) | Adam Parmenter, Industrial Sales Manager at WPL (Right) With public attention on corporate environmental activities, there is particular pressure on industrial companies to limit their impact on the local water...
WPL’s Hybrid-SAF Biological System Comprises Modular Units Controlling Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Suspended Solids, and Ammonia. Czech Republic: A new wastewater treatment system installed in a town in the Czech Republic will protect...