breaking news
Biofertilizer From Anaerobic Digestion: The Future Of Circular Fertilization
There is growing recognition of Anaerobic Digestion (AD) as the most efficient and sustainable solution to maximize the recovery of energy and nutrients from organic waste.
Dream Of Water Treatment Plant Operator? Fewer Disruptions!
With water and wastewater systems operators under increasing pressure to run facilities smoothly and efficiently, Mike St Germain, Vice President – Process Industries, Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions (WMFTS), explores challenges that need to be addressed.
Blog: Beating India’s Carbon Chase – Part 2
Every building and the city is first a ‘Water Economy’ – just good water management will help meet nearly 25 percent of India’s 2030 carbon reduction target.
Blog: Beating India’s Carbon Chase – Part 1
While India is a world leader in green buildings today, there is a great deal more that bulk water- and energy-users have to do while the Government plays its role.
Smart Water Practices: Treated Sewage As Water? Let’s Drink To The Nation – Part 4
There is a clear need in our cities for understanding why we use fresh water only once when technology has transformed to turn used water into pure drinking water.
Smart Water Practices: Can Indian States Shore Up River Catchments To Improve The Water Our Cities Get? – Part 3
Can states shore up river catchments to improve the amount of water cities get?
Smart Water Practices: Can India’s Water Utilities Shift From Driving Supply To Managing Demand? – Part 2
Is the UK Water Utilities model a pipedream that India can never hope to aspire for? Or can administrators begin to think ‘demand-side’?
Smart Water Practices: What India Can Learn From The UK – Part 1
Have you wondered how other countries supply water, and what measures they take to govern water use? Here is an amazing case study of the UK’s water utilities.
Climate Change And Water: How Do We Understand It Inside Our Heads? – Part 2
Chennai-based Rathindra Roy reflects on what we can likely do about climate change.
Water Crisis Looming Large: India’s Population Set To Drop Over 0.5 Billion?
Our per capita water availability annually has fallen to an alarming 1.1 million liters. It was 4 million liters in 1950 when India hosted about 350 million people.